Dear Har Sinai Temple members,

This packet of information includes most of the information you will need to prepare for and participate in our High Holy Day services this year.

Har Sinai will be holding ALL services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in our Temple. Each service will be offered both in person and live streamed via Zoom.

Our tradition of beautiful music continues, and we know you will find the services exceptionally beautiful and inspiring this year. Our Choir members have been rehearsing and Elana Gleason, our Cantorial Soloist, will be with us again this year.

We will be using the Mishkan HaNefesh prayerbooks for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (two books) again. If you know you will be watching services from home and will need the books, please contact the Temple Office at (609) 730-8100 or

We will need some help before, during, and after the different services — everything from greeting congregants and ushering, helping to efficiently park cars in the lots, assisting with the Second Annual Rosh Hashanah Oneg/Kiddush in memory of Mike Rein, and more. If you can help in any way, please contact the Temple office, or email me at

Please look at the information in this packet, and complete and return any forms that apply to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Temple office or Rabbi Goldson. We look forward to celebrating the upcoming High Holy Days with you in person and/or online.

In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy the rest of the summer!

All the best,

Jill Schwartz
High Holy Days Committee Chair