2421 Pennington Road

(609) 730-8100

2421 Pennington Road

(609) 730-8100

Religious School Enrollment

Please complete the form below to register your child(ren) for Har Sinai Religious School for the 2023-2024 School Year. Additional information and health forms will be sent in August.

The Har Sinai Temple Religious School tuition for 2023-2024 is $60/month (for 10 months) per child for the first two children, and includes fees for all books and materials. Families with more than two children enrolled may pay $45/month for each additional child. The maximum cost per family for tuition is $1500/year. Tuition offsets, but does not cover, the cost of the Religious School; Har Sinai Temple covers Religious School expenses not covered by tuition revenue.

Register by June 30, 2023 for a $50 discount per child. Please consult with our office to confirm your tuition rate.

Har Sinai Temple welcomes families even if they are unable to afford the cost of membership and/or Religious School tuition. Families who need to make special financial arrangements should contact our Financial Secretary, to arrange a payment plan that they can afford.

All requests for a reduction in religious school fees are confidential and special payment schedules will not be known by other congregants, teachers or the Religious School Director.

Payment is due by the first day of Religious School. Payment can be made by check (made out to Har Sinai Temple) or on our website.

For information or questions about membership, please contact our Membership Committee Chairs. We look forward to spending the school year together!
